Introducing Elder Dillon Riding's blog. We hope to post all the emails that Elder Riding will be sending to us, and all the pictures that he takes. We are looking forward to the adventures that he will have.

Thursday, April 6, 2017 we taught him about the restoration and the priesthood...

 My week has been pretty good just one thing happened this week.
This last Wednesday we taught a member and her nonmember boyfriend. He agreed to take the lessons so we taught him about the restoration and the priesthood. At the end of the lesson He asked for a blessing and choose me  to give the blessing. At the end of the blessing he said he felt something and wondered what that was and we told him that it was the Holy Ghost telling him that these things we have taught are true. He said he wanted to feel that more often so we talked about baptism and how the Holy Ghost can be our constant companion and he said he wants that, so we set a date for him to be baptized and sadly I wont be here. But if all goes well he will be baptized. So that was a really cool experience. 

Cant wait to Head to Australia!!

Love Elder Riding

P-study at the church this morning. waiting for the blitz. love you lots  

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